30 Ruby On Rails Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Ruby on Rails developers are software engineers who use the Ruby on Rails Framework to write, develop, test, and implement software and applications. Rake is a Ruby utility that substitutes the Unix utility “make.” It is the Ruby make. Rake uses a “Rakefile” and “.rake files” to create a list of tasks. You can use Rake for normal administration tasks such as migrating the database through scripts or loading a schema into the database in Rails. Here are Ruby on Rails interview questions that will help you brush up on vital topics.

Active Record, a component of Ruby on Rails, is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. It simplifies database interactions by translating them into object-oriented code. This abstraction allows developers to interact with databases without writing SQL queries.

advanced Ruby on Rails interview questions

The CSRF token is included as a hidden field in every form created using Rails’ form builders. It is also included as a header in GET requests so that other, non-form-based mechanisms for sending a POST can use it as well. Attackers are prevented from stealing the CSRF token by browsers’ “same origin” policy.

  • Filters are used for authentication or authorization processes, ensuring certain actions only occur under specific conditions.
  • By defining concerns, developers can avoid code duplication and enforce code consistency, leading to cleaner and more maintainable codebases.
  • Understanding Active Record is fundamental to building applications in Rails, hence the importance of this question.
  • Although the class method can count the number of articles by a particular author in all articles (notice the difference in volume?).
  • Define operator states whether a passed expression is defined or not.
  • This article will discuss the top Ruby in Rails Interview Questions that aspiring professionals should know to crack the interviews and land their dream job.

And finally, the ActiveRecord-related questions let us test how the programmer understands the Model part of an application. In order to work efficiently, a developer should write as little configuration code as possible when making ActiveRecord models. We ask about the conventions used for implementing such logic as well. Ruby is a very popular programming language and it has a huge community of developers who create numerous helpful libraries. We at RubyGarage love gems because they simplify and accelerate the work process. Third-party code helps us develop web applications quickly and smoothly.

Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

View represent data in a particular format in an application for the users. This library is an Embedded Ruby (Erb) based system which define presentation templates for data presentation. A list of top frequently asked Ruby on Rails interview questions and answers are given below. This can be done with the help of the model view controller pattern in Ruby. Also, the users can easily make sure of a code that is not very bulky when it comes to developing the same.

As a Ruby on Rails developer, you might be tasked with creating applications for a global audience. This means that your applications need to be adaptable to different languages, regional differences, and technical requirements of other countries. This question is aimed at testing your technical skills and understanding of how to manage file uploads, a common feature in many web applications. It also reveals your familiarity with different libraries and tools available within the Rails ecosystem and how to use them effectively. Moreover, it provides insight into your approach to security and efficiency when dealing with user-generated content.

Which command is used to create a migration?

Ruby on Rails, often simply referred to as Rails, is a robust and dynamic open-source web application framework. Another method is action caching, where an entire response to a particular controller action is stored. This reduces server load as the same response can be served multiple times. One common approach is fragment caching, which caches a block of view code and prevents the database from being hit every time that part of the view is loaded. As a Ruby on Rails developer, you’re not just expected to write code, but also to understand how that code gets translated into a functioning website or app. This involves understanding how to deploy the application to a production environment, where real users can interact with it.

Ruby on Rails developer interview questions

ORM tends towards an Object Relationship Model where classes map to a table in a database and objects map directly to rows in a table. It is a framework which is used to extend Rails via WebSockets to add some functionality. It integrates WebSockets with the rest of the Rails application very smoothly. Rails validation defines valid states for each of your Active Record model classes. They are used to ensure that only valid details are entered into your database.


These will give you an idea of the interview questions that you might get asked. You can also download the Ruby on Rails interview questions and answers pdf here. An example of meta-programming in action in Rails is with the route helpers. Using meta-programming, you can ask your code questions about itself during runtime, and this allows you to accomplish tasks comparatively quicker than in another language.

Ruby on Rails developer interview questions

Rails handles database migrations through ActiveRecord, its Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. Migrations are Ruby classes that make changes to the database over time in a consistent and easy-to-use manner. They use a DSL so you can specify changes like creating or dropping tables, adding or removing columns, or changing column types. A scenario where caching would be beneficial is when you have a high-traffic website with dynamic content that doesn’t change frequently.

Explain what Ruby on Rails is.

Static scaffolding explicitly enters a command that produces the required data in respective fields. It frees up memory on your machine for other processes to execute. Garbage collection achieves this by removing inaccessible objects that a program leaves after execution. The Rails framework utilizes https://wizardsdev.com/en/vacancy/ruby-on-rails-developer/ the “Rake” utility for various administrative tasks, e.g., migrating a database by using a script. Another example where it uses a “Rake” is to load a schema into a database. We offer interview preparation courses that are designed and taught by FAANG+ tech leads and hiring managers.

Ruby on Rails developer interview questions

The users can go ahead with the WeBrick server which comes with this framework. Generally, there are other options as well that most of the users often go with and they are Apache and TPD. These are methods “before”, or “after” a controller’s action is executed. Such methods are inherited and will run with every request your app receives as long you have set them in the ApplicationController. While RoR is slightly faster than Django, Django is very easy to install. Your requirements will determine the choice of web application framework.

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