
A Guide to Bookkeeping: Skills, Salaries, and Careers


You can earn certification from the National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB) and the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB). The NACPB offers a certified public bookkeeper (CPB) certification, while the CPB offers a certified bookkeeper (CB) certification. Both the CPB and CB certifications require what is a bookkeeper similar eligibility requirements. You can earn either certification by passing a four-part multiple-choice exam, agreeing to abide by a professional code of conduct, and verifying your bookkeeping accounting education and experience. Every business step requires capital, from transforming an idea into a model to investing in its expansion […]

Trucker Accounting Service


This includes things like when you wash your truck at a coin-operated facility or need to record mileage for business use of your personal vehicle. Provide a monthly record to your business services provider or tax accountant and any other receipts. You want to be able to deduct as many legitimate costs as possible.

File for your Unified Carrier Registration (UCR)

This makes it easier to keep track of things when it’s time to total everything up. Check expenses to your bank accounts to make sure they are legitimate expenses, especially if you’re not the […]

A Guide to Multicollinearity & VIF in Regression


At its core, multicollinearity affects the precision and reliability of regression analysis, making it a significant barrier to predicting outcomes based on multiple variables. One method for detecting whether multicollinearity is a problem is to compute the variance inflation factor, or VIF. This is a measure of how much the standard error of the estimate of the coefficient is inflated due to multicollinearity. From the last column, we can see that the VIF values for height and shoe size are both greater than 5.

Advanced Regression Techniques: LASSO and Ridge Regression

To illustrate, let […]

Retail Inventory Method: Explained


A retail business with multiple stores or warehouse facilities may find it difficult to monitor product movement in (and across) these varied spaces. Fortunately for them, the can estimate goods on the move, thus offering some solid appraisals within the larger inventory picture. The retail inventory method is often used by retailers who are short on time, since this is a helpful strategy to estimate their merchandise value on the fly. That’s because the RIM is rooted in simplicity; it’s a quick calculation […]