The overt narcissist may be thought of as the extroverted narcissist or the one who outwardly and directly displays narcissistic behaviors, like bullying, demands, and manipulation. The covert is the introverted “closet narcissist” or the shy, hypersensitive, and socially isolated narcissist. In addition to problem recognition, important factors that might maintain or change drinking behavior are expectancies and evaluations covert narcissism and alcoholism of problems. Whether a person is a covert narcissist, alcoholic with narcissistic personality traits, or a person with a dual diagnosis, finding a treatment program that meets their needs is very important. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) are closely linked and can occur together as a dual diagnosis. NPD increases the risk of alcohol abuse as a means to escape difficult emotions.
Healthcare professionals may ask people about their drinking habits to assess AUD. A psychiatrist may carry out a standard psychiatric interview, which healthcare professionals use to diagnose personality disorders. Healthcare professionals may also use the Narcissistic Personality Inventory to diagnose narcissism. While narcissism is a personality disorder and alcoholism is an addiction, narcissists and alcoholics share several characteristics. Recognizing these commonalities can help you understand and cope with people who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, untreated alcoholism, or both. Lastly, don’t be afraid to set boundaries and find support in family and friends.
Where to find support if you’re experiencing NPD or AUD
Through reading or working with a professional, you may also familiarize yourself with gaslighting tactics and the mechanisms of projective identification. Understanding these psychological strategies empowers you to recognize them in real time, making it more challenging for the abuser to distort your reality. You can start a journal to document instances of gaslighting or projective identification. Write down your feelings, the events you remember, and any attempts to manipulate or distort your reality. This written record serves as tangible evidence of your experiences.
Compared to grandiose narcissists, people in this group were more likely to acknowledge that they had a problem. Some mental health conditions are likely to occur together, and when they do, they’re called co-occurring disorders. Alcohol use disorder and narcissism are common co-occurring disorders, and in some cases, the symptoms of the two conditions may present similarly [1].
Alcoholism And Narcissism
Try to calmly explain how you feel but if the other person isn’t receptive, you may want to end the conversation and consider how you want to proceed with the relationship. Although you might not think of someone with a narcissistic personality as a “victim,” some covert narcissists may play the role when they feel hurt or when trying to get you to do something for them. One research study found that people with covert narcissism may have had more authoritarian parents and may, more frequently, recall instances of childhood trauma and abuse than those who have grandiose narcissism. Covert narcissism may be less apparent than overt narcissism, but this doesn’t mean it is any less harmful.